Contractor compliance

Support your core and extended workforce with safety and security in mind.

Effectively manage contractors to ensure compliance, and to mitigate any health, safety and security risks with your workforce.

Read how Bonduelle gained visibility into contractors coming on-site.

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Contingent Worker

Hybrid work, contingent workers, and contractors are the new normal, and in many industries they make up more of the workforce than core employees.

The critical mass of employees coming to work from Monday to Friday, 9-5, is being replaced by a highly dynamic and flexible workforce made up of employees who work from home and the office, and contingent workers and contractors who need access to facilities to complete specific jobs. This creates a wide security gap to manage as these non-traditional workers become larger parts of the workforce. Security leaders need to put contractor management processes in place to reduce risk and maintain control of this agile workforce.

Contractor profiles

Who are the contractors and contingent workers that add to your workforce?

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Transportation and delivery drivers routinely come in and out of locations and are an integral part of the supply chain.

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General service
These contractors offer services to keep your business running, such as IT services, HVAC repair, and construction.

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Agency staff
Contracted temporary employees who are hired by a specific department to complete a specific job. These contractors can be hired from any one of your internal departments.

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Hybrid staff
As work locations and hours become more flexible, large organizations need to manage their employees as if they were guests with invitations, registrations, space booking, and even health and safety controls as appropriate.

Mitigate risk

Contractors are in a gap between employees and visitors, but organizations need to take ownership.

Organizations struggle with the responsibilities of managing contractors effectively and this is exasperated by new hybrid workforce structures. A security gap exists with contractors in the middle, as businesses try to manage who has the responsibility of inviting contractors on-site, gathering the proper compliance information, and taking ownership of their movements while on location. Security, HR, functional departments – everyone is a stakeholder yet often these workers are forgotten about when pertaining completing screening protocols before entry.

Woman cleaning office desk

Contractor woman signing a document
Contractor woman signing a document
Contractor compliance

Protect your workforce by ensuring contractors are compliant with regulatory, regional and business standards.

It can be an administrative challenge to collect and store documentation on each contractor coming into your facility, especially if you’re still using file systems and spreadsheets. The lack of transparency and visibility into contractor information can lead to non-compliance with regulatory and regional compliance standards, resulting in penalties.

Organizations also have to ensure information is accurate and updated regularly, including daily health screenings, technical certifications that expire periodically, or agreements that need to be signed on a set schedule. Additionally, as part of a safe compliant entry process, contractors also need to be screened through watchlist databases to ensure the security of the workforce, and, in some cases, adhere to regulatory controls.

Historically this required someone to constantly engage contractors to collect, update, and file the proper information, but with modern workforce security platforms, workflows can be automated.

Emergency alerts

Contractors in your facilities are often forgotten in the event of an emergency.

When an emergency situation arises, everyone in your facility needs to be contacted – and that includes contractors. Because contractors are coming in and out of facilities at different times, there is a gap in safety, and often contractors are forgotten in roll calls, evacuation plans, and health outbreak reports. Contractors may be part of your extended workforce, and for Duty of Care reasons, need to be considered in the event of an emergency to keep them safe. Increased visibility into their movements in-and-out of each facility will make your organization more prepared in the event a situation arises and action needs to be taken to keep the workforce safe.

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Workforce Security Platform

Extend security to cover
contractors with Sign In Enterprise.

Make contractor screening an integral part of your workforce health and safety procedures by adding Sign In Enterprise’s Workforce Security Platform to help mitigate risk when managing contractors. Standardize contractor compliance at your facilities and offer the safest entry process possible to keep your entire workforce safe.

Contractor workflowsEasily create contractor specific workflows using our low-code SecureFlow tool to ensure contractors complete appropriate procedures.

Compliance screeningHave contractors upload compliance information, such as certificates, insurance papers, and safety policies before coming on-site to maintain compliance standards.

Watchlist managementScreen contractors through external watchlist providers upon entry to ensure you know exactly who is entering your facilities.

Emergency alertsEnsure contractors are accounted for in case of an emergency with an active roll call of those on-site, and have the ability to send alert messages in case of emergency.

Join 100s of other enterprise organizations and reimagine your workforce security
with Sign In Enterprise.

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