VANCOUVER, B.C. - We’re excited to announce that we have entered into a preferred partnership with Gemalto, a digital security hardware firm that produces ID scanners capable of quickly and accurately processing high visitor volumes.
While we were looking to integrate high-end ID scanners into our new Assisted-Check-In process to bolster security and efficiency, Gemalto wanted to couple their scanners with a visitor management system (VMS) with leading flexibility, customer service and security features. “We were looking at visitor management as an area that was really emerging,” says Robert Cimperman, VP Sales and Marketing North America at Gemalto. After doing some research, they discovered Sign In Enterprise. “Our team said, 'We need to reach out to this company and find out what they're doing.'”
Sign In Enterprise and Gemalto contacted each other at roughly the same time. “The leaders in one space were looking for the leaders in another to create something that would serve everyone's customers in a new and symbiotic way,” says Sign In Enterprise CEO Keith Metcalfe.
Gemalto provides unique value as we continue to build a visitor experience that makes it easier for everyone involved—visitors, hosts, security and administrators—to embrace security. “We're really excited about the potential,” says Robert. “As visitor management grows as a category, Sign In Enterprise bringing enhanced security with a first-class user experience is going to be valued, and our technology can really help enable that.”
The Assisted-Check-In visitor experience that Sign In Enterprise and Gemalto will offer together is designed to support organizations with high-volume visitor traffic. Sign In Enterprise CTO Cameron Wiebe explains: “For each visitor to these sites, security personnel have to record the guest’s name, validate their ID, check them against any number of watchlists and then keep that person’s identity and personal information confidential. With a traditional paper log book, this is extremely difficult, if not impossible.”
Now, armed with Gemalto Scanners, Sign In Enterprise will offer an Assisted-Check-In option that security officials can use to deliver an efficient, painless sign-in experience that strengthens security. “As far as we know,” says Metcalfe, “Sign In Enterprise is the first cloud-based VMS to use high-end ID scanners to provide this kind of Assisted-Check-In process.”