AUTOMATION—The subject of automation isn’t new, but it is more relevant than ever. Whether we are talking about automating data entry tasks, document creation and organization, or inventory management it’s safe to say that automation isn’t just the future, it’s the presence which is why things like Salesforce triggers, and integrations with mass notification systems are becoming increasingly mandatory for visitor management systems.
In fact, according to the McKinsey Global Institute, automation could increase the global productivity by as much as 1.4% annually, and that’s not to mention the impact it has in areas where the talent pool is narrowing due to a dwindling population.
In this article we’ll dive into the advanced triggers feature in the Sign In Solutions Visitor Management platform. We’ll discuss what it is, why you need to consider it and we’ll give you four specific use cases to help you make your business more efficient with advanced triggers.
What are advanced triggers?
Advanced triggers for the Sign In Solutions Visitor Management platform is an automation engine that allows you to set up quick configurations for custom use cases and integrations with third party systems like CRM systems or mass notification systems.
4 use cases for advanced triggers
Owing to the customizable nature of advanced triggers there is no way for us to create an exhaustive list of what you can do with it.
So instead we’ve outlined four use cases within the fields of visitor management, security, emergency protocols, and sales and marketing, where you could use advanced triggers to improve your organizational workflows.
On the other hand, it might be better to host meetings to kick off partnerships or for signing deals in an environment where you have complete control over the visitor experience.
1. Notify a person in your organization when a certain visitor type arrives
Notifying the host or reception whenever a visitor they invited arrives is a common working procedure for many visitor management systems. But what happens when a visitor no one invited arrives, or what if you want to notify your head of facility management or your security officer but only when a certain type of visitor arrives?
Imagine you manage a manufacturing facility, and from time to time external maintenance workers arrive to check up on the various machines in your facility and make sure everything is running smoothly. And whenever that happens you want your head of facility to be alerted, so they know that a certain piece of machinery has been checked.
This is just an example, it could just as well be that you have certain visitor types who need an escort when entering the facility due to security reasons or maybe you want a high level employee to greet investors even when they pop by unannounced.
Whatever the case is, this is where advanced triggers come in.
2. Flag visitors based on a risk score level
Historically risk scoring has been a slow, manual and often subjective process relying on expert opinions, checklists and past experiences. But over the past few years that process has become more and more automated.
So, why should flagging visitors based on their score be any different?
With Sign In Solutions’ visitor management platform you can use advanced triggers to flag a visitor based on their assigned score or on specific parameters. Imagine you want international visitors to be flagged before they arrive, or maybe you want any visitor with a score above a certain level to be flagged for manual processing.
3. Automatically add visitor information to your mass notification systems
Whether it’s the result of severe weather, natural disasters, civil unrest, pandemics, cyberattacks or something else, any organization can find itself in a position where they need to notify employees, visitors and other building occupants on a massive scale.
In some instances it may be a company wide notification, and other times it may be specific to a certain location.
No matter what the case is, knowing who you need to contact can be imperative to the safety of individuals as well as your business. And that’s where the advanced triggers feature comes in.
You can use advanced triggers to update occupancy information in your mass notification system. That way you don’t have to scramble through occupancy lists and visitor logs when you need a message to go out.
4. Create Salesforce triggers based on physical visits
CRM Systems like Salesforce are an integral part of mapping out customer journeys in the digital space by using things like Salesforce triggers to automatically update customer information whenever they download a resource, answer an email or join a conference call.
But those systems have a blind spot when it comes to physical meetings.
The update is no longer automatic but is something the account executive or salesperson has to do manually, after the fact—if they remember.
By combining the advanced triggers feature from the Sign In Solutions Visitor Management platform with Salesforce triggers, for instance, you can add physical interactions to the list of touch points which are automatically updated in your system.
For instance, when a visitor checks in, if their data isn’t in your Salesforce, you can automatically send them an email with a quick survey on how they heard about your company or another way to collect their information for marketing purposes, or you can set up email flows to go out after a visitor checks out to keep them engaged and increase the chance to make a sale.
Why you need advanced triggers
The specific benefit your organization gains from advanced triggers will depend on the field you’re operating within, but safe to say there are few fields where using advanced triggers wouldn’t be a boost to your operations.
The primary purpose of advanced triggers is to make your organization more efficient, more productive, more accurate and less expensive. It's a way to say goodbye to manual processes related to managing customer and visitor information, while at the same time making sure the data you have is always up to date.
In short, it’s a way to increase the efficiency of your workers, enhance the experience of customers, visitors and partners alike while reducing your operating expenses.